I’m a Destonian


I am a Destonian- Why am I a Destonian and firstly, What does that mean? It means that I walk with and as a group called Desteni. What is Desteni? Desteni is human beings coming together to work toward real change in this world by changing ourselves- because we’ve realized that this world is but a reflection of who we are as individuals, collectively.

Thus it’s by each one of us changing our accepted natures- no longer accepting and allowing a nature that is abusive – that we change the world and no longer create a world of abuse and thus we are standing up and correcting ourselves and our nature to that which considers what is best for all, in all ways- so that through this process of self change- the world change, one and equal, to longer be full of abuse, but will actually become a ‘heaven on earth’, so to speak, where all can live a life free of abuse- as it should be- as each would like for themselves.

Thus Desteni is humanity’s stand to self correct our accepted nature which has allways been one of accepting and allowing abuse- to no longer accept and allow abuse within ourselves, to no longer manifest abuse in this world- and this is why I stand and walk with and as Desteni- where as a group we stand together, walk together, and support each other as each walk our individual process of changing ourselves, changing our nature- to that which will manifest and create a world in which all life is free to thrive and live to the fullest- a world in which none suffer- because that is the kind of world I would like to live in- if you agree, join us.

Join us at Desteni, and become part of the new Destiny of Man- as we rebirth ourselves into beings that can stand the test of time and can live in all ways as what’s best for all, and end suffering and abuse once and for all. Join us at Desteni and become part of the Solution.

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