Practical Perspective on Agreement that could save a lot of Misery

So I’ve recently entered into an agreement- and if you’re not familiar with what is an agreement, I have placed some links below, which can provide some perspective on what is an agreement. Basically, in a nutshell, an agreement is- where 2 beings come together as who they are here, as physical beings within this physical existence, to assist and support each other to expand themselves, as different from the design of a ‘typical relationship’ where 2 beings coming together only to support pre-designed pre-programmed mind-based personalities as an act they will live as with each other and will support each other in remaining limited to these pre-programmed personality designs, which, if you have experienced much of this, you will no is really not cool, and not a cool way to walk a partnership with another human being in this life.

So what is really cool about this agreement is that I entered this agreement, having actually considered whether this was a being who I could actually ‘get along with’ and stand with for life. It’s not something I just ‘jumped into’ without first taking the time to see who and what this being live as, so that I walk in awareness of ‘what I’m getting myself into’. Which is how I’d ended up in so many past relationships- and what happens then is that you do not effectively ‘know’ the person and in time, find out ‘the hard way’ that you were not actually ‘well-suited’ for one another. But by taking the time and ‘getting to know’ each other first, and testing our communication to see- do we communicate with ease, to see does the communication flow ‘naturally’, so to speak, you can establish whether or not the agreement will be an effective one, or whether there will be great difficulty and unnecessary conflict.

These were/are really cool points to consider, which in past I had not. I hadn’t realized the basic common sense of getting to actually know someone before you form and agreement with them- and within this then also considering- how well do you get along? This was a point I often ignored, due to the simple desire to be with someone/be in a relationship- where, I would deliberately ignore any signs that we might actually not be a good match- I would justify it within my mind and go into the relationship anyway, knowing on at least some level, that it was already doomed to fail. And then I would ‘lock myself in’ to these relationships within an idea that I must ‘make it work’ and that, theoretically, one should be able to ‘get along’ with anyone.

Theoretically, yes, but it is not here yet. Considering how we currently exist as organic robots possessed by resonant personality designs (which if you’re not familiar with what that means, check the links below for perspectives on that), we currently are not going to all just ‘get along’, easily and smoothly- and thus, it’s a point to consider, while we walk this process wherein we’ll eventually likely get to a point where it doesn’t matter, and anyone could get along easily and smoothly with anyone. But it’s simply not here yet, and thus for the time being, it makes sense to consider this point of ease of communication- as it will make both beings’ process much easier and much more fun, and both will thus be better able to expand themselves, and support each other to expand, within their agreement. And by being within as effective agreement as possible, one is also doing what is best for all, one and equal, within placing oneself in a position where one can expand oneself the most and thus they contribute more effectively to the whole, as one of the ‘smaller parts’ that make up the whole.

So what I realized is that it’s not to live it as a rule that you have to be able to have an agreement with anyone no matter what- but that it’s quite practical to consider the resonances such that you can make a decision that will flow and where it will be ‘easy’ so to speak to expand in your processes together, because there will not be a lot of unnecessary conflict created from resonances that are pre-programmed to not get along- so it’s not to live in spite of who/how/what we are manifested as currently- but to take that into consideration and see- what will be the most effective, for all, where what is most effective for two people in an agreement is what’s most effective for the whole, one and equal- like, if all parts of a body are functionally optimally, then that body will function optimally as well. Common sense.

So within realizing this I realized another fascinating point/perspective- which is that in considering what’s best for all here, and standing up to change what’s here- that it is not sufficient or effective to stand up only ‘within’ what’s here, but that it’s also necessary to stand ‘as’ what’s here- it’s exactly like you can’t have Oneness without the Equality- meaning, one without the other, is not enough to have ‘heaven on earth’- both points must be considered- that we are ‘one’, and that we are ‘equal’. One without the other manifests abuse. Thus, it’s from that same perspective that one can look to change what is here as how we’re currently manifested, we must stand up from ‘within’ and ‘as’ what is currently here as ourselves manifested- so, if you only stand up from ‘within’ existence as it currently exist- but do not also consider that we must stand ‘as’ existence as it currently exist as well, you will not be able to actually change this world- both points are required.

So, just a fascinating realization I had within this point of looking at the point of ‘considering what’s here’, specifically from the perspective of deciding to go into an agreement with someone- to not only approach it from a point of attempting to stand up from within the systems we currently exist as, but to consider also the point of ‘standing ‘as’ those systems’- ‘standing as’ meaning to stand ‘equal to’ and within that, meaning to first ‘accept’ what is here as oneself, and not trying to live ‘in spite of it’- as this creates unnecessary conflict- and that is what we must learn to stop doing-

Time to realize that there actually is no ‘freewill’ here in a time and space physical reality- that the only way to change reality is to change it as ourselves, by standing equal to it, and then standing from within what we have realized and accepted is who and what we’ve become. Within this, there is no ‘freewill’ or ‘freechoice’- one must look at oneself in self honesty and see- who and what am I actually living as? Thus it’s not a choosing, but simply a looking and seeing what is already here, as you, as who you are and what you live, everyday, every moment, every breath that you are here and a part of this existence.

It seems to be our biggest lesson here- is to actually consider the physical reality- to actually consider what we’ve manifested, within the realization that it is who and what we become, one and equal, and have to live with and within every moment we are here. It is this simple point of not considering what is already manifested that keeps us fucked- in apparently never-ending cycles of suffering and abuse- because we never take the time to actually deal with the problems that we’ve already created, and that are here and have been here all along, piling up like that pile of dirty laundry in that one corner of your room- that just gets bigger and bigger-

Except, when you look at whats going on in the world actually, it’s a lot worse than a pile of dirty laundry. It’s suffering the likes of which can never be undone, or ‘taken back’ or ‘compensated’ for. And that is the key with the physical reality that we must get- consequence. There is consequence to everything we do and live- and whatever we’re living as, we are actively creating it into this world, piling consequence on top of consequence, while ignoring the accumulation effect, wherein the mess we’re in just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

This is what we at Desteni are standing up for- to stand up and stop just continuing to let shit pile up and not taking care of it and manifesting more and more work and suffering for ourselves in the future. Because it is not going to get any easier. So we are standing up, within and as what’s here, to actually sort out this mess, once and for all, so that once the shit’s finally taken care of, we can actually get down to some real FUN- that we can fully really enjoy ourselves within the realization that all are able to enjoy themselves here and none needlessly suffer.

If this is what you’d like to stand for as well- join us- – Join in the Discussions on the Forum and see Hundreds of articles and videos providing perspective on Reality and the message of Oneness and Equality – a New Economic system based on the Principle of Equality- that we are All Equal in the Right to have a Dignified Life – The Desteni I Process-  A Life Coaching course to prepare those who’ll lead the world to a new system that stand for all, and provide an income at the same time

Perspectives on Relationships & Agreements:

Relationship & Agreements 1 – Alice Bailey


Relationships & Agreements 2 – Alice Bailey

Relationships & Agreements 3 – Alice Bailey


Relationships and Agreements 4 – Alice Bailey


Agreement Support 1 – Introduction


Agreement Support 2 – Physical Comfortability

Agreement Support 3.1 – From Interpretation to Communication (LJ’s Perspective)


Agreement Support 3.2 – From Communication to Interpretation – Maite’s Perspective


Agreement Support 3.3 – From Communication to Interpretation – Maite’s Perspective


Agreements — Facing the Reality of Self


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  1. #1 by Sylvia on July 14, 2011 - 4:51 am

    Really cool Kelly!

  2. #2 by lindsaycraver on July 14, 2011 - 9:48 am

    awesome share kelly – thanks!

  3. #3 by Moses Andeku on July 14, 2011 - 3:42 pm

    Awesome Blog Kelly

  4. #4 by Anna Brix Thomsen on July 19, 2011 - 3:37 am

    Thanks Kelly – Assisting in deed!

  5. #5 by bellabargilly on July 20, 2011 - 1:51 pm

    Thank you Kelly!

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