
I support world equality. We are All In This Together.

Children Burned Beyond Recognition – If Humanity Was Humane What Would We Do?

0About a week ago I was listening to a news report on the radio which was covering the events taking place in Gaza while drone attacks were being carried out, when something really struck me. The correspondent who was at a hospital in Gaza was asked to describe what he was seeing, and he reported that there were lots and lots of children coming in with severe injuries. He said weapons were being used that burned the victims to a point beyond recognition. He said pieces of body and brains were being picked up from around the area.

At this moment, I noticed just how odd it is, that I’m driving along in my car listening to these events taking place, and for me nothing changes. And I know, there is nothing I can practically physically do in this moment to stop this from happening or really do anything about it directly. There’s no team of people set up to go and immediately deal with such a situation. And it really struck me – why not? Somewhere people’s brains are being smashed out of their heads and people are actually picking up the pieces of others’ brains. Children are being burned beyond recognition. I mean, this is so obviously fucked-up, no one would disagree with that, that this sort of thing falls within the realm of utter insanity that beings would do this unto themselves, and allow this to take place. It’s common sense that even a child can see, that this sort of thing just shouldn’t be taking place, and shouldn’t be allowed to take place.

It was really so bizarre to have access to this information of what is going on in the world, to be able to hear about it, and, well, that’s it. Why is it that when this kind of thing happens it doesn’t go more like:

News person: Hey John, can you tell me what’s happening where you are?

Field correspondent: Sure, I’m at a hospital in Gaza and people are picking up pieces of brains. And lots of children are being burned beyond recognition.

News person: Oh Shit! Children being burned and people’s brains being blown out?? That’s totally fucked-up! We’ll be right over to take care of that.

And then the situation is put to an end, because we humans realize the obvious common sense that this sort of thing should not be taking place.

We have every capability to do this. The United States has, basically since Industrialization, gone to other countries, invaded them and taken out their leaders and installed their own chosen leaders. The only problem was the leaders they took out were those that actually would have and were helping the people of that country, and instead put in leaders that would take advantage of the people of their country, so that the U.S. could buy their resources and use their laborers for very cheap, in total disregard of the people’s well-being, and all for the sake of making the maximum profits, while selling the story back home of how we’re ‘spreading democracy in the world’ and ‘ending atrocities’, when the reality couldn’t be farther from the truth – the deliberate abuse of human life all over the world.

For the details of these crimes against humanity, watch the three-part documentary series The Power Principle:

The Power Principle

This is must-watch series to get a clue on what has been done in the world, to see why it is that so much suffering exists, when obviously there’s no good reason it should.

It really is as simple as changing our starting point from allowing this abuse to take place and accepting it as ‘the way it is’ to no longer accepting and allowing abuse to continue because we realize in common sense that it shouldn’t be happening.

israel_rockets_on_gazaWe’ve created such a mess for ourselves by allowing those who seek profit at the expense of life to do so. Instead of developing effective relationships with one another to work together in cooperation in making this world the best it can be for all life, we’ve cultivated enemies instead, by committing unprovoked harm to others. And those enemies which we created are then used to justify further attacks and invasions. It’s easy to see that this violence won’t ever end, as it’s a never-ending cycle being perpetrated by continuously ensuring we have enemies that we’ve got to ‘protect ourselves against’, because with war comes big profits for those who have war-related businesses. Thus, we’ve got to stop using ‘enemies’ as an excuse to simply keep creating more ‘enemies’ by harming more people. The only way to stop wars is to actually stop wars. There are enough resources for all, especially if we stop squandering them within the current consumerist profit-driven system which uses up the earth’s available resources at a rate which is going to lead to our destruction if not corrected in time.

It’s time for those who see the common sense that these kind of things shouldn’t be happening, to stand up and say what we all know but aren’t acting on – that this is unacceptable and must stop. We should not be living in a world where children are being burned beyond recognition, or where thousands of children starve to death daily, or where people are allowed to go homeless, without clean water, education or proper healthcare. If you agree that this is unacceptable, support the Equal Money System as the new economic system that will support ourselves as humanity to be able to correct and clean up these problems by ending the wage-slavery of capitalism, so that instead of being busy slaving for someone else’s profit, we can work together for the benefit for each and every one individually and all of life as a whole.


Related Articles:

Day 95 – Will there ever be Peace in the Middle East

Day 96 – Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land


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Derren Brown Fear & Faith (Part 1): What Does the Placebo Show about Human Psychology?

I watched the Derren Brown show called ‘Fear & Faith‘, and in this blog post I’m going to discuss Part 1, which focuses on Fear, in which he had people unknowingly take placebo pills that they thought would stop ‘fear’, and in some cases others thought they were taking the drug in order to stop other phobias/habits like for example smoking. So these were people with a variety of phobias, like fear of heights or singing in public, and they took the pills and for almost everyone the pills were a success – their fear was gone, sometimes instantly.

This show is really ground-breaking, as it shows in a very clear way, the actual power we have to change how we experience ourselves, and that it is really as simple as no longer participating in, for example, fear. It shows that we can actually stop our fears/reactions in a single moment, that it is in fact possible to stop these fears/phobia/habits, and thus change how we experience ourselves in our day to day lives and in relationship to reality.

And it also shows that a placebo or belief in a pill isn’t required to make the fear reaction stop, as in the show, even after knowing the pill had been a placebo, the people’s fears did not return. It was enough to have had the placebo pills act as a ‘bridge’ in a way, in assisting and supporting these individuals to realize that they actually could live without that fear/phobia.

What this also shows, is that we are the ones actually responsible for our fear in the first place. Since we at any time can actually stop them, so we are really the ones in ‘control’, the only reason we ‘aren’t in control’ is because we’ve believed our fears to be who we are. I mean, this is no surprise when you look at what all takes place within our fears/what our fears consist of. There is multi-dimensions, where if you have a look at what goes on within you when a fear is activated, you’ll have dimensions of Thought, Imagination, Internal conversations, emotion/feeling Reactions, and certain physical Behaviors that manifest, thus it is like an entire ‘personality suit’ containing of all these various dimensions one can experience within it, when it is activated by a situation/event/scenario in one’s environment.

So, let’s take the example of having a fear of heights and you find yourself near a steep drop. You may have Thoughts pop up in your mind of images of you falling over the drop. And then you may start going through various scenes within your Imagination, as you, for example, play out a variety of scenarios of ‘what could happen’ in your mind, where you might imagine yourself falling over the edge and what the fall will be like and how you might land and how you’ll be injured, and there would be varying degrees that one would imagine depending on the extent of one’s participation in this particular fear.

And then there is the internal conversations or ‘backchat’ where we talk to ourself within ourself within certain phrases in our mind, which will vary according to the individual, so you may have phrases like “Oh god, what if I fall down that drop??” / “What if I lose my balance for just a moment and go teetering over the edge?” / “I bet I would be terribly injured if I fell down there” / “I’m so scared, I’ve got to get away from here”.

One will also have various emotion and feeling Reactions, in relation to each dimension, where one will experience particular energy-experiences of positive feelings or negative emotions, like for example, while one is within the Imagination dimension, imagining what could happen if one were to fall over the edge, an positive energy-experience of ‘excitement’ might come up, or perhaps a negative energy-experience of ‘terror’. And for example, while one is participating in the internal conversation of “Oh god, what if I fall down that drop??” one might experience ‘anxiety’.

Then with the thoughts, imagination and internal conversation going on, and the energy-experience reactions that activate in relation to each of those points, one will then experience changes/reactions in the physical internally, and externally in one’s physical behaviors, where for example, you might internally experience a trembling/shaking of the physical body, or a rush of adrenaline, and externally you might notice that you start ‘wringing’ your hands, or you start shuffling your feet away from the edge, or you might feel like your paralyzed and can’t move.

So, within all these various dimensions/experiences, it’s really like the mind has gone to every length to convince one that the experience one is having of, for example, being afraid of heights, is in fact real, and yet, it is really just a sequence of thoughts and energy-experiences taking place within us, that we haven’t realized that we in fact give permission to take place, simply by believing these thoughts and feelings we’re experiencing are actually who we are, and aren’t just simply thoughts and experiences that are taking place only in our mind, and not in actual reality. Yet we’ve come to believe that these experiences are who we are to such a degree and without realizing what is really going on within ourselves, it’s hard to step out of the characters we’ve always existed as, and requires an elaborate set-up as Derren put together in his show, to give a specific circumstance in which one is able to believe that the fear experience can actually stop, in essence so you can give yourself permission to stop accepting and allowing the experiences within yourself.

Thus, this show confirms what I have been applying for myself, within the life-coaching course, the Desteni I Process, that I have been walking for several years now, since its beginning, where you are assisted and supported to see, realize and understand that these reactions/experiences aren’t in fact real and thus canbe stopped, through becoming aware of the various dimensions at play within such patterns of behavior, as for example, in the example used above of fear of heights. Through this course, I’ve have walked a personalized process in identifying my own patterns of behavior that I’ve existed in self-unawareness for most of my life, where I was really just a ‘victim’ so to speak of the experiences that came up within me, because I just automatically accepted them as ‘who I am’ simply because they were there and I was experiencing them, so they ‘must be real’.

Within the Desteni I Process you’re shown the tools with which to walk yourself into an understanding of yourself and the patterns you exist as, so that you can evaluate in self-awareness, what it is you’re living, and how you would really like to be living, to stop for example fears and other patterns of self-limitation, so that we can really be free to live, just like those in the show who can now live without their crippling fears and habits and explore their true potential. The difference is that you get to become aware of yourself, and all the patterns you exist as, and you do this through self-will, and not requiring an elaborate illusion like a placebo experiment, as you’re assisted to see that the experiences are in fact the illusion and you’re the one with the real power to develop self-will and self-direction in your life and how you experience yourself.

Thus, if you haven’t seen this show Fear and Faith, definitely watch it and consider what it’s showing us – that we really do not have to remain limited within detrimental patterns, that fear isn’t actually real because it can be stopped, and suggest to check out the Desteni I Process, especially the new course that’s been launched, DIP Lite, which is a Free course where you get to understand how to work with thoughts, emotions and feelings, and how to direct your reactions, so that you can be the directive principle of yourself, instead of your thoughts, emotions and feelings directing and controlling you and your ability to live in this world.

For more context on the Dimensions of Character/Personalities, read the series of Heaven’s Journey to Life blog posts which deals with this topic in detail, which starts with this introduction post: Character Dimensions – Introduction: DAY 162. And you can check out the Journey to Life group on Facebook where you’ll find hundreds of blogs of those who are busy deconstructing their patterns of self limitation and sharing the process so all may benefit.

Related post:

Day 142: Maybe we All need our own Personal Apocalypse from Derren Brown?

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How to Experience Real Joy

What is joy? Do you live joy? And how do you live it? Currently joy is regarded as “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness”. So the way we currently live joy is as a feeling inside oneself. This joy, as a feeling, is only experienced by oneself, as no one else is inside you, and doesn’t exist or is experienced in the shared physical reality, that is shared by all other beings in physicality. This means that we can be experiencing a feeling of joy within ourself, that isn’t actually relevant or related to what is going on in our physical reality. There is no ‘joy’ in life – the feeling doesn’t exist here – you’re actually only able to enjoy yourself – as a living movement of yourself with what is here. For example, you enjoy the coffee, you enjoy riding your bike, you enjoy going to a movie with others. Joy doesn’t exist in reality as a feeling, you can look, you won’t find it- you’ll only ever experience it as an energetic feeling inside yourself, because that’s where your feelings happen and where they’re created, and that’s where they stay, utilizing the resources of your physical body to create such feelings, which actually sucks the life out of the body.

When we focus on the real enjoyment that comes from participation with the physical as a physical being, then we really become aware of what is in this world and wouldn’t we then work to ensure that life in the physical is actually enjoyable? When we’re participating in a self-created joy that only exist in our mind, then we are disregarding the actual physical reality we are living in, creating an experience of ‘joy’ within ourself as a mental illusion while allowing the actual world to be/become a total mess.

Yet you hear this message all over, that you should be ‘joyful’ or have more joy in your life- and then you’re told to think of things that make you feel happy- so what are you actually doing within that? You’re using pictures and memories in your mind to create a feeling of joy within yourself. Now, is that real joy? Is that joy that comes from an actual experience within the physical, as a physical being, where you’re actually interacting with other physical beings- humans, animals, plants, etc? No, it only takes place in your mind as a form of ‘mental masturbation’ where you separate yourself from the actual reality to go into a ‘dream land’ and use pictures and memories to induce a feel-good feeling, where you’re pretending that everything is wonderful, regardless of the state of actual reality. And this serves those profiting off of the current inequality in the world, because you’re in a fantasy lavd, they can continue enslaving and using beings to make profit.

How can you play make-believe inside your own mind in a self-created fantasy while allowing the world in which we actually live to go to shit? Does that make any sense to deliberately ignore what’s going on and to hide in one’s imagination, instead of facing what’s here, sorting it out, so we can create an actual reality where joy really exists as something that is lived and experienced in the physical? No- obviously it’s through this ignorance that we’re accepting and allowing the problems in this world to go uncorrected, even though we’re having to live through them in our actual daily lives, making the world a place of suffering where only those with enough money can enjoy themselves.

And if you notice, the feeling of joy never lasts. You can pretend that everything is wonderful for a little while, but eventually it’s back to reality, and nothing has changed. Now, if we create the physical reality as a place that can be enjoyed, then that joy would be constant, because it’d actually be HERE, real, in the physical. You wouldn’t have to close your eyes, or pretend, only to have to come back to a reality that is a mess, because there would be no mess. So, you could just simply be here, experiencing joy as a physical being, not any more having to ignore reality and delude oneself to what’s actually going on here, making excuses to justify the abuse taking place in the world, so that you can justify for a moment altering your mental state to have a feel-good experience inside yourself, while actual reality remains a mess and the abuse continues.

So obviously the preferred choice would be to create a world where joy is able to be lived in the real reality, by creating reality such that all beings can enjoy themselves in and with the physical. So we have to sort this mess out that we’ve created in this world, and have been ignoring as the problems build, by going into mind-created states of ‘joy’ instead of working to create real joy that can actually be lived. An Equal Money System is the key to sorting out this mess, as it’s the current money system which keeps us locked into competition with each other where we must deceive each other for money and survival. Investigate Equal Money to see how it’s possible to have joy be an actuality here, in the physical reality, shared by all. Wouldn’t you much rather have joy be here as life that would never fade away? Joy as a lived experience stable and constant, instead of cheap feelings that don’t last?

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No More Chemtrails & HAARP in an Equal Money System

There’s a lot of different theories going around as to what the purpose of ‘chemtrails’ are and whether or not they’re harmful and cause deleterious effects on humans and the environment. Some say it’s to stop global warming, some say it’s to cause it, and some say it’s for government mind control. The same basically goes for the case with the HAARP program as well- many different ideas as to what their agenda is and what kind of manipulations they’re doing to the ionosphere and the weather patterns of nature.

How is it that we’ve come to this point where we don’t really know what exactly is going on- how are these things not ‘out in the open’ for all to see and understand what’s being done and you can’t just get a straight answer? Why do we fear that corporations and organizations might do things that are harmful to people and the planet? Because we are already allowing it through and within our current economic system- so we’ve come to expect abuse and to accept it when it occurs, and thus we always fear that abuse may be done to us. We haven’t yet established an effective system that would ensure that no abuse could actually take place.

This is why within an Equal Money System there won’t be such mystery surrounding the actions of our businesses and organizations- because we’ll have transparency of everything that’s done so that everything can be evaluated to ensure that it is not harmful to life but is in fact what’s best for all life- once this system is established, conspiracy theories will be a thing of the past- secretive experiments that cause harm to humanity, nature and the environment, will not happen, as there will be no benefit to do so, as there is today. For within the current capitalist system, which is based on accumulating profits, we have placed profit gain as the priority and not life itself- and this is why life pay the price, and we get sicker and the quality of our life declines as the environment is more and more abused for the sake of profit.

Only in the current system can one benefit from abusing others or from being secretive about one’s operations. Because this current system doesn’t care for life- you must make profits if you want to enjoy the best quality of life, and this means compromising nature and your fellow man to do so, as this is how the current system is designed- it hasn’t been designed to be sustainable and to support doing that which is best for all life.

The Equal Money System is the complete opposite wherein we’ll put everything on the table and nothing will be hidden or secretive in order to gain an advantage over another or in order to manipulate. It will be much more difficult to keep things hidden or to keep people unaware of what’s really going on, because all will have access to the best education possible- and thus most will have a better understanding of the earth’s process and thus will be able to better detect whether something being done is causing harm or not.

Thus in an Equal Money System we’ll do things not from a starting point of making profits in competition with one another and the very environment which we require to live, but we’ll do things in cooperation from the starting point of what’s best for all life, which means what’s best for the environment, what’s best for humans, what’s best for the animals, the plants, etc- all things considered and nothing left out- because that’s obviously the way to have a life where all have the best quality life possible. Thus we’d no longer have to worry and wonder about chemtrails & HAARP and what harm is possibly being done- it won’t be allowed in an Equal Money System- all decisions will be made democratically and in the open and with oversight and no abuse for profits will be allowed, thus no conspiracies will exist and we can live in a dignified way as the custodians of this earth that is our home.

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Equal Money FAQ – Will we figure out the other 90% of the brain that is said we do not tap into in an Equal Money System?

Well, the idea that we use only 10% of our brains is a myth that has been perpetuated for the sake of implying that there is some sort of unused potential within the human brain or mind that we don’t currently utilize. This has been used for example by psychics who imply that the ‘unused’ portions of our brains would contain psychic or other mystical powers. Scanning of brain activity in the brain, which is electrical activity, shows that much of the brain is indeed utilized, though not all at once- because the brain is compartmentalized and different parts are ‘in charge of’ certain functions.

Accidents have shown that brain damage to any parts of the brain can impair one’s ability to function, which implies that most of the brain is indeed used. Some theorize that this claim came about because we don’t use the entirety of our brain all at once, but the brain has assigned different parts to oversee specific functions, so such a claim makes no sense.

In an Equal Money System, we won’t have incorrect claims being passed around as valid. There simply will be no reason to, as currently the manipulation of information and of people’s understanding of how existence functions is done for the sake of self-interest at the expense of another, and this won’t be accepted in and Equal Money System. This is not the kind of thing we’ll allow, as we see what kind of a world it leads to- one where misunderstanding and abuse are rampant.

Our Science has been notorious for this, holding onto information that is incorrect for various reasons, at the expense of the greater good. It’s no secret how current scientists will hold onto their beliefs in the face of something that challenges it. The main reason for this being job security. As a scientist you get funded to work and research in a particular area of science and if that area of science is found to be false, there goes your funding and your job. In an Equal Money System ‘job security’ will be irrelevant, because you’ll already have ‘life security’- your needs for your survival will be guaranteed for life, as it should be- thus you’d never find yourself faced with the choice of having to go against common sense, of having to spite life and be dishonest, in fear of losing your ‘financial security’. In this current system most of us have had to compromise ourselves and maybe others for the sake of financial security in order to survive and try to have a dignified life.

In an Equal Money System, we’ll be able to ensure everyone has access to education as well, and also that that education is actually effective and correct. Thus everyone will be able to keep up to date with scientific discoveries so that everyone can have an equal understanding of how this world operates, in order to best function within it. No longer will information be hoarded as it is now, and many do not even have access to even the most basic education.

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“The Cove” Dolphin Slaughter: Why It Happens & How to End It

I just watched a documentary called “The Cove” which is about dolphin slaughtering that is going on in a town called Taiji in Japan. The people who took the footage for this film had to put themselves in risky situations, risking being arrested where you can be held with no charges for up to 28 days or perhaps even worse, to even be able to show what is really going on there and expose the brutality of the slaughter that takes place there every September, when the dolphins begin to migrate through the area, and they start their procedure of rounding them up.

What does it say about humanity when such great lengths and personal risks have to be taken just to get this activity documented- how is it that we’re not instantly made aware of such things as they’re going on. Why is it when we have easy instant access to so many’s awareness through television for example, or the internet, why are such things not being brought into our attention?

This indicate a problem with our systems of communication where we’re not effectively and accurately communicating what’s actually going on in the world so that we can effectively deal with and stop such extreme situations of abuse.

If you have this kind of communication malfunction in a single human body, for example, if your neurons weren’t correctly transmitting data from your brain to your lags- you wouldn’t be able to walk and this would be quite a problem and one would seek surgery or some remedy to be able to get back to functioning capacity. This is exactly what we should do as humanity in its entirety, as humanity functions as one entire body or being as well, and currently this ‘body’ is quite ill, as half the population is in poverty conditions and many are starving and sick with treatable diseases.

This is why life is such a toil for the majority of the entire population, because we’re not all supported to be at optimum functioning and massive amounts of the population are not able to get an education or skills but can only spend their days looking for food and water just to ‘scrape by’ another day. Massive amounts of aid are given to some of the people who aren’t supported by the current system, rather than simply supporting them in the first place to be able to thrive and function effectively within a supportive system, but rather supporting them to remain dependents forever, and while not being able to provide aid at all to most of those in need.

This is why such extreme abuse is taking place, such as these dolphin slaughters in Taiji- because we’re allowing our system to be one that doesn’t support so many, that they are driven to find whatever means necessary to make some money to survive. It’s not just dolphin slaughter in Taiji that’s taking place- abuse is happening rampantly all over the world, for this very exact reason- human beings looking for any way they can to make some money so they can have the best possible quality of life, because we don’t already have it. It’s not guaranteed by our system, and for many who are born in the worst places, they will never have a dignified quality of life, but will have a life of suffering as they’re not able to provide their physical with even it’s most basic needs.

These disgusting dolphin slaughters are part of the abuse that happens because of our acceptance of the system as it is- what is required is to stand up and correct the system by changing it to a system which actually supports life, rather than abuse it. And if we don’t do this, if we don’t get started on this soon as it’s going to take some time, the consequences will be catastrophic. We’re creating an unlivable habitat on the earth at a fast pace, and have been doing so for many years now- there’s not much time left to turn this around before life on earth becomes a literal hell, for everyone, and not just for some as it is now.

To just say ‘Stop the dolphin slaughters’ is not going to do anything to stop abuse once and for all. It’s happening to the dolphins now, it will be happening to someone else if that stops, and indeed it is already happening worldwide to all life- be it human, plant, animal, mineral, elemental- nothing has escaped being abused. And until this system change- the abuse cannot end.

Our ecosystem we require to be of certain composition for us to be able to live effectively- it’s a system of balance wherein all the animals and plants and such all work together to maintain the balance of the ecosystem- we are crudely ripping this to shreds without any consideration for the consequences until we’re already experiencing them- crop failures and famines and droughts and extreme weather due to disrupting the balance of wildlife and nature’s systems so carelessly. We are creating such unnecessary struggle and suffering to where we can’t even enjoy life here and we’ll hope that maybe in some afterlife things will be better. But this is ridiculous, as we can change what’s here so that life here can be really be actually enjoyed by all.

Some of us have already begun this work of changing the system and creating one which support life, which is called the Equal Money System. Investigate to find out more about humanity’s chance at a life worth living for all, where we can live without destroying each other and the earth we live on, no longer living only trying to survive one moment to the next without actually ever getting to slow down and really live. This is the destiny of Mankind, if he is to have one at all.

I suggest to watch “The Cove” if you can, to get a stark picture of the extremity of the abuse that is actually going on in this world in this current system we’re accepting and allowing- so you can see what can be stopped by standing up and creating a new system in which all will be supported and none will need to be exploited.

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I’m a Destonian


I am a Destonian- Why am I a Destonian and firstly, What does that mean? It means that I walk with and as a group called Desteni. What is Desteni? Desteni is human beings coming together to work toward real change in this world by changing ourselves- because we’ve realized that this world is but a reflection of who we are as individuals, collectively.

Thus it’s by each one of us changing our accepted natures- no longer accepting and allowing a nature that is abusive – that we change the world and no longer create a world of abuse and thus we are standing up and correcting ourselves and our nature to that which considers what is best for all, in all ways- so that through this process of self change- the world change, one and equal, to longer be full of abuse, but will actually become a ‘heaven on earth’, so to speak, where all can live a life free of abuse- as it should be- as each would like for themselves.

Thus Desteni is humanity’s stand to self correct our accepted nature which has allways been one of accepting and allowing abuse- to no longer accept and allow abuse within ourselves, to no longer manifest abuse in this world- and this is why I stand and walk with and as Desteni- where as a group we stand together, walk together, and support each other as each walk our individual process of changing ourselves, changing our nature- to that which will manifest and create a world in which all life is free to thrive and live to the fullest- a world in which none suffer- because that is the kind of world I would like to live in- if you agree, join us.

Join us at Desteni, and become part of the new Destiny of Man- as we rebirth ourselves into beings that can stand the test of time and can live in all ways as what’s best for all, and end suffering and abuse once and for all. Join us at Desteni and become part of the Solution.

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You Are Here, Now Act Like It – The Truth About the ‘Middle of the Road’

Those who walk the so-called ‘middle road’- attempting to avoid two sides of a polarity- actually accepts both sides, and then feel superior for ‘not participating’- but they have not done anything to solve the problem, in fact the opposite- they are allowing it to continue, they’re not stepping up and facing the problem and walking thru it, in essence they’re saying -don’t solve the problem, just walk away- and that is cowardice, negligence, ignorance to believe that if you ignore it it will go away.

You haven’t done or accomplished anything, but you’re sitting on the fence, just sitting on your ass- there’s nothing brave or honorable in that, you’ve sold out and are pretending you’re not responsible for what’s here- but you are because you’re here and you’re participating in this reality, even if your paticipation consists of just sitting on your ass, that is your participation, that is your contribution, because you are here, your existence is being supported, and what are you doing with it?


Are you going to just sit on your ass, or are you going to take responsibility and wipe your own ass- clean up the mess we’ve created here, so we can live in a world that’s actually worth living in- a world of responsible beings who create a world that’s best for all, rather than a world of fence-sitters who allow the world to go to shit as a result of what they are accepting and allowing by acting as if you can be here and somehow not participate, somehow not effect this world with your presence- it is not so- you are Here- now Act like it.

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How Desteni Has Assisted Me to be a Vastly Better Singer

So, I’ve been practicing singing a lot lately- something that I’ve ‘always wanted to do’ – and within that was part of the ‘problem’ as to why I never seemed ‘able to do it’ and why/how I formed a perception of myself as ‘not able to do it’.

See, what I’d done is already judged myself before I’d even begun- as if somehow one should be able to just sing effectively immediately- I didn’t yet fully realize the point of that it requires deliberate consistent practice and training. I had fallen into this belief that those who were good at it ‘just were’. And that is how it would often be presented as well- by others and with my myself too where if I was asked how I was able to do something well, I’d say something like “gee, I don’t know, I just can”- thus supporting the idea that it ‘just happens’ like as if ‘by magic’ or just ‘automatically’- as if you either ‘can’ or you ‘can’t’.

This perception has really screwed with me and how I view the ‘ability’ to sing- wherein I then didn’t focus or concentrate fully on the point of practicing and training and drilling- as that’s what’s actually required to become effective at something.

From this ‘mis-perception’ that one should ‘already’ or ‘automatically’ have the ability, I formed self beliefs that I ‘was not able’ wherever/whenever I would try something and fail. I took this ‘failure’ to mean- I must not be ‘able’ to do it. Man- what a fuck-up that is! Considering that one must train to get effective at something, chances are sometimes pretty good that you might fail the first time you try- so just consider all the things I would have believed I simply ‘couldn’t do’ simply because I ‘failed’ the first time!

Within this, though, there was like a subconscious point of ‘wanting something for free’, like within myself, I had at some point decided that anything that ‘required effort’ I’d rather not bother- or rather, that I’d rather spend my time on things I’m automatically good at, as then I don’t have to waste time and effort on practice and repetition, lol- this from a belief that you can actually get things for free. But we live in a physical reality here, and thus you have to ‘get’ things through space and time. There is no free lunches.

So, realizing this basic point, that training and practice is required to develop a skill- has been immensely supportive, in that now I simply apply myself within what I’m training- realizing that I’ll only ‘get to that point’ of being effective, through the 1+1 actions I take on a regular basis, to hone and develop the skill. So now I am no longer actually wasting trying and ‘failing’ and judging myself as ‘a failure’, but am using my time effectively to practice and expand myself into and as this skill.

And within this, also discovering that the things I had previously ‘failed’ at are now open for me to try again, and see if it is simply a matter of requiring more practice and training on that specific point- so, now I’m finding I can do things that I once thought I simply couldn’t! How cool is that!

I am eternally grateful to the support I’ve received from those at Desteni and the Desteni I Process that I’ve been walking, which has assisted me with these realizations and applying them in my daily life, to be able to live practically and effectively and no longer diminish myself within accepting limitations- but to Expand myself in all ways- within this physical existence here, and be a Real, Effective human being Here- which is what I’d always wanted but never thought I could be!

The Desteni I Process is open to all who would like to commit themselves to themselves- to Expand oneself beyond the perceived limitations of the mind – and achieve one’s full Potential and Live for Real!

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Practical Perspective on Agreement that could save a lot of Misery

So I’ve recently entered into an agreement- and if you’re not familiar with what is an agreement, I have placed some links below, which can provide some perspective on what is an agreement. Basically, in a nutshell, an agreement is- where 2 beings come together as who they are here, as physical beings within this physical existence, to assist and support each other to expand themselves, as different from the design of a ‘typical relationship’ where 2 beings coming together only to support pre-designed pre-programmed mind-based personalities as an act they will live as with each other and will support each other in remaining limited to these pre-programmed personality designs, which, if you have experienced much of this, you will no is really not cool, and not a cool way to walk a partnership with another human being in this life.

So what is really cool about this agreement is that I entered this agreement, having actually considered whether this was a being who I could actually ‘get along with’ and stand with for life. It’s not something I just ‘jumped into’ without first taking the time to see who and what this being live as, so that I walk in awareness of ‘what I’m getting myself into’. Which is how I’d ended up in so many past relationships- and what happens then is that you do not effectively ‘know’ the person and in time, find out ‘the hard way’ that you were not actually ‘well-suited’ for one another. But by taking the time and ‘getting to know’ each other first, and testing our communication to see- do we communicate with ease, to see does the communication flow ‘naturally’, so to speak, you can establish whether or not the agreement will be an effective one, or whether there will be great difficulty and unnecessary conflict.

These were/are really cool points to consider, which in past I had not. I hadn’t realized the basic common sense of getting to actually know someone before you form and agreement with them- and within this then also considering- how well do you get along? This was a point I often ignored, due to the simple desire to be with someone/be in a relationship- where, I would deliberately ignore any signs that we might actually not be a good match- I would justify it within my mind and go into the relationship anyway, knowing on at least some level, that it was already doomed to fail. And then I would ‘lock myself in’ to these relationships within an idea that I must ‘make it work’ and that, theoretically, one should be able to ‘get along’ with anyone.

Theoretically, yes, but it is not here yet. Considering how we currently exist as organic robots possessed by resonant personality designs (which if you’re not familiar with what that means, check the links below for perspectives on that), we currently are not going to all just ‘get along’, easily and smoothly- and thus, it’s a point to consider, while we walk this process wherein we’ll eventually likely get to a point where it doesn’t matter, and anyone could get along easily and smoothly with anyone. But it’s simply not here yet, and thus for the time being, it makes sense to consider this point of ease of communication- as it will make both beings’ process much easier and much more fun, and both will thus be better able to expand themselves, and support each other to expand, within their agreement. And by being within as effective agreement as possible, one is also doing what is best for all, one and equal, within placing oneself in a position where one can expand oneself the most and thus they contribute more effectively to the whole, as one of the ‘smaller parts’ that make up the whole.

So what I realized is that it’s not to live it as a rule that you have to be able to have an agreement with anyone no matter what- but that it’s quite practical to consider the resonances such that you can make a decision that will flow and where it will be ‘easy’ so to speak to expand in your processes together, because there will not be a lot of unnecessary conflict created from resonances that are pre-programmed to not get along- so it’s not to live in spite of who/how/what we are manifested as currently- but to take that into consideration and see- what will be the most effective, for all, where what is most effective for two people in an agreement is what’s most effective for the whole, one and equal- like, if all parts of a body are functionally optimally, then that body will function optimally as well. Common sense.

So within realizing this I realized another fascinating point/perspective- which is that in considering what’s best for all here, and standing up to change what’s here- that it is not sufficient or effective to stand up only ‘within’ what’s here, but that it’s also necessary to stand ‘as’ what’s here- it’s exactly like you can’t have Oneness without the Equality- meaning, one without the other, is not enough to have ‘heaven on earth’- both points must be considered- that we are ‘one’, and that we are ‘equal’. One without the other manifests abuse. Thus, it’s from that same perspective that one can look to change what is here as how we’re currently manifested, we must stand up from ‘within’ and ‘as’ what is currently here as ourselves manifested- so, if you only stand up from ‘within’ existence as it currently exist- but do not also consider that we must stand ‘as’ existence as it currently exist as well, you will not be able to actually change this world- both points are required.

So, just a fascinating realization I had within this point of looking at the point of ‘considering what’s here’, specifically from the perspective of deciding to go into an agreement with someone- to not only approach it from a point of attempting to stand up from within the systems we currently exist as, but to consider also the point of ‘standing ‘as’ those systems’- ‘standing as’ meaning to stand ‘equal to’ and within that, meaning to first ‘accept’ what is here as oneself, and not trying to live ‘in spite of it’- as this creates unnecessary conflict- and that is what we must learn to stop doing-

Time to realize that there actually is no ‘freewill’ here in a time and space physical reality- that the only way to change reality is to change it as ourselves, by standing equal to it, and then standing from within what we have realized and accepted is who and what we’ve become. Within this, there is no ‘freewill’ or ‘freechoice’- one must look at oneself in self honesty and see- who and what am I actually living as? Thus it’s not a choosing, but simply a looking and seeing what is already here, as you, as who you are and what you live, everyday, every moment, every breath that you are here and a part of this existence.

It seems to be our biggest lesson here- is to actually consider the physical reality- to actually consider what we’ve manifested, within the realization that it is who and what we become, one and equal, and have to live with and within every moment we are here. It is this simple point of not considering what is already manifested that keeps us fucked- in apparently never-ending cycles of suffering and abuse- because we never take the time to actually deal with the problems that we’ve already created, and that are here and have been here all along, piling up like that pile of dirty laundry in that one corner of your room- that just gets bigger and bigger-

Except, when you look at whats going on in the world actually, it’s a lot worse than a pile of dirty laundry. It’s suffering the likes of which can never be undone, or ‘taken back’ or ‘compensated’ for. And that is the key with the physical reality that we must get- consequence. There is consequence to everything we do and live- and whatever we’re living as, we are actively creating it into this world, piling consequence on top of consequence, while ignoring the accumulation effect, wherein the mess we’re in just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

This is what we at Desteni are standing up for- to stand up and stop just continuing to let shit pile up and not taking care of it and manifesting more and more work and suffering for ourselves in the future. Because it is not going to get any easier. So we are standing up, within and as what’s here, to actually sort out this mess, once and for all, so that once the shit’s finally taken care of, we can actually get down to some real FUN- that we can fully really enjoy ourselves within the realization that all are able to enjoy themselves here and none needlessly suffer.

If this is what you’d like to stand for as well- join us- – Join in the Discussions on the Forum and see Hundreds of articles and videos providing perspective on Reality and the message of Oneness and Equality – a New Economic system based on the Principle of Equality- that we are All Equal in the Right to have a Dignified Life – The Desteni I Process-  A Life Coaching course to prepare those who’ll lead the world to a new system that stand for all, and provide an income at the same time

Perspectives on Relationships & Agreements:

Relationship & Agreements 1 – Alice Bailey


Relationships & Agreements 2 – Alice Bailey

Relationships & Agreements 3 – Alice Bailey


Relationships and Agreements 4 – Alice Bailey


Agreement Support 1 – Introduction


Agreement Support 2 – Physical Comfortability

Agreement Support 3.1 – From Interpretation to Communication (LJ’s Perspective)


Agreement Support 3.2 – From Communication to Interpretation – Maite’s Perspective


Agreement Support 3.3 – From Communication to Interpretation – Maite’s Perspective


Agreements — Facing the Reality of Self


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